Grand Designs is a British television series produced by Boundless Productions (originally part of Talkback Thames) and broadcast on Channel 4 which features unusual and often elaborate architectural homebuilding projects.
Grand Designs Live takes place biannually, in London in the spring and Birmingham in the autumn. The exhibitions showcase contemporary design and technology for the home and garden, along with hundreds of stands for suppliers and manufacturers to promote their goods and services.
LT SMART HOME is officially launched in UK market this year, by introducing it’s smart home solutions and products that can be adopted in middle-to-large scale of programs.
In Grand Designs Live show, LT SMART HOME is the only company that is capable to supply a whole set to ZigBee smart home products and solutions. Everyone can DIY their own smart home space and experience the intelligent life. With easy installation and simple operation, it can be used whole range age of people.
LT SMART HOME provides reasonable prices and the best support to the authorized distributor to make seamless cooperation, and cares for the needs of every distributor.
LT SMART HOME reach your eyes, to be the smarter way of living.
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